Gets or Sets the contents of a Cell
Last updated 1 year ago
Name | Cell Content
Nickname | Cell
Tab | ExcelPlus
Panel | Cell
Division | 1
Cel | Cell (cell) | A Cell or Address (ex. A1)
L | Cell Location (object) |Optional Location of the cell as:
(String address ex. 'A1', Domain interval ex. 1 to 1, Point3d ex. {1,1,0})
V | Value (string) | Optional Cell Value
F | Name (type) | Optional MS Office Number Format:
ex. ("General", "hh: mm:ss", "$#,##0.0" )
Cel | Cell (cell) | An Excel Cell Object
L | Location (point) | Cell Location
V | Value (string) | Cell Value
F | Format (string) | Cell Format