Ui Plus is built on top of the following dependenci
Material Design in XAML Toolkit
Ui Plus visual style is built on top of Material Design in XAML and its custom styling takes inspiration from it's design.
Comprehensive and easy to use Material Design theme and control library for the Windows desktop.
MahApps Metro
The primary window and several controls in Ui Plus are built with MahApps Metro.
MahApps.Metro is a framework that allows developers to cobble together a Metro or Modern UI for their own WPF applications with minimal effort.
Xceed WPF Toolkit
Several controls in Ui Plus and table elements are built with Xceed WPF Toolkit.
Extended WPF Toolkit™ by Xceed is the number one collection of WPF controls, components and utilities for creating next generation Windows applications. Use it to build professional looking, modern, and easy to use WPF applications. It has been downloaded more than 1 million times here, on Codeplex, and on NuGet.
Live Chart
All Chart controls are built with Live Chart.
Simple, flexible, powerful and open source data visualization for .Net.
Last updated