Filtering Filter
Apply a Filtering filter to an Image
Last updated
Apply a Filtering filter to an Image
Last updated
Apply a Filtering filter to an Image
Name | Filtering Filter
Nickname | Filtering
Tab | Bitmap
Panel | Filter
Division | 2
I | Image (B+ Image, Bitmap) | A Bitmap Plus Image or Bitmap
M | Mode (Integer) | Select filter mode
V0 | Parameter (Interval) | This variable's use changes depending on the mode
V1 | Parameter (Interval) | This variable's use changes depending on the mode
V2 | Parameter (Interval) | This variable's use changes depending on the mode
F | Outside (Bool) | Flip between inside and outside range
C | Color (Colour) | Replacement Color
I | Image (B+ Image) | A Bitmap Plus Image
Save Image | Opens a file save dialog to save a raster file of the current image.
Copy Image to Clipboard | Copies the image to the clipboard (no alpha)
Channel = 0
V0 = R | Red | Unitized adjustment value (0-1)
V1 = G | Green | Unitized adjustment value (0-1)
V2 = B | Blue | Unitized adjustment value (0-1)
HSL = 1
V0 = H | Hue | Unitized adjustment value (0-1)
V1 = S | Saturation | Unitized adjustment value (0-1)
V2 = L | Luminance | Unitized adjustment value (0-1)
RGB = 2
V0 = R | Red | Unitized adjustment value (0-1)
V1 = G | Green | Unitized adjustment value (0-1)
V2 = B | Blue | Unitized adjustment value (0-1)
YCbCr = 3
V0 = Y | Y | Unitized adjustment value (0-1)
V1 = Cb | Cb | Unitized adjustment value (0-1)
V2 = Cr | Cr | Unitized adjustment value (0-1)