DC | Diffuse Color (Colour) | The material base color.
DM | Diffuse Map (Bitmap) | The Bitmap used to set the diffuse colors of the material.
AC | Ambient Color (Colour) | Adds a color to the unlit part of the object.
BC | Base Color (Colour) | The surface color, or albedo. Base color also affects the various tint amounts.
BI | Base Color Intensity (Number) | A multiplier on the base color.
BM | Base Color Map (Bitmap) | The Bitmap used to set the base color of the material.
SH | Shine (Number) | The Shine Factor of the material.
RF | Reflectivity (Number) | How Reflective value of the material.
RC | Reflection Color (Colour) | The reflection color tint.
RG | Reflection Glossiness (Number) | The reflection glossiness.
RI | Reflective IOR (Number) | Index of refraction.
MT | Metallic (Number) | The metallic-ness (0 = dielectric, 1 = metallic). The only two physically correct values are 0.0 and 1.0 which specify the different models. The metallic model has no diffuse component, but has tinted specular equal to the base color.
MM | Metallic Map (Bitmap) | The Bitmap used to alter the metalness of the material .
RH | Roughness (Number) | Surface roughness. Controls both diffuse and specular response.
RM | Roughness Map (Bitmap) | The Bitmap used to alter the roughness of the material.