References a PBR material from Rhino and deconstructs its Surface effect properties
Name | Reference PBR Surface
Nickname | RefPbrSurface
Tab | ThreeJs
Panel | Doc
Division | 2
EC | Emission Color (Colour) | Light emission color from the surface.
PC | PBR Emission Color (Colour) | Light emission color from the surface.
PV | PBR Emission Value (Number) | Light emission intensity from the surface.
EM | Emission Map (Bitmap) | The Bitmap used to alter the emission value of the material.
BM | Bump Map (Bitmap) | The Bitmap used to alter the bump value of the material.
DM | Displacement Map (Bitmap) | The Bitmap used to alter the displacement value of the material.
AM | AO Map (Bitmap) | The Bitmap used to alter the ambient occlusion value of the material.