OP | Opacity (Number) | The opacity of the material (0.0 = transparent to 1.0 = opaque).
TR | Transparency (Number) | The transparency of the material (0.0 = opaque to 1.0 = transparent).
TC | Transparency Color (Colour) | The transparency color.
OM | Opacity Map (Bitmap) | The Bitmap used to alter the opacity value of the material.
OI | Opacity IOR (Number) | Index of refraction for transmitted light.
IM | Opacity IOR Map (Bitmap) | The Bitmap used to alter the opacity IOR value of the material.
OR | Opacity Roughness (Number) | Controls roughness used for transmitted light.
RM | Opacity Roughness Map (Bitmap) | The Bitmap used to alter the opacity roughness value of the material.
AL | Alpha (Number) | The alpha transparency value.
AM | Alpha Map (Bitmap) | The Bitmap used to alter the alpha value of the material.
FI | Fresnel IOR (Number) | Fresnel Index of Refraction.
RG | Refraction Glossiness (Number) | Simulates a rougher surface, by diffusing the light rays in different directions.
SC | Specular Color (Colour) | The reflected color of the object's highlights.